
Showing posts from November, 2016

Creating PortletURL in Javascript

At times, we are supposed to create PortletURL in Javascript. We can do like this as follows. <aui:script use = "liferay-util-window,liferay-portlet-url" > var portletURL = Liferay.PortletURL.createRenderURL(); portletURL.setPortletId(' <%= PortletKeys . SOME_PORTLET %>'); portletURL.setPlid(15932); portletURL.setWindowState(' <%= LiferayWindowState . POP_UP . toString () %>'); portletURL.setParameter('param1', param1); portletURL.setParameter('param2', param2); portletURL.setParameter('mvcPath', '/html/my_portlet/my_page.jsp'); // Now we can use the URL console.log(portletURL.toString()); </aui:script> Similarly you can also create other URL type as needed: Liferay.PortletURL.createActionURL() Liferay.PortletURL.createPermissionURL() Liferay.PortletURL.createResourceURL() Liferay.PortletURL.createURL()

Liferay 7 overriding MVC Commands

MVCActionCommand : An interface that allows the portlet to process a particular action request. By extending  BaseMVCActionCommand , we can customize processAction method. MVCRenderCommand : An interface that handles the render phase of the portlet. By   extending  BaseMVCRenderCommand , we can customize render method. MVCResourceCommand : An interface that allows the portlet to serve a resource. By  extending  BaseMVCResourceCommand , we can customize serveResource method. Now , we will see how to customize processAction method. Step 1: Initially, Create one module as mentioned in Liferay 7 document. Step 2: In controller class, write the component property depends on which modules you are customizing, for eg., if we customize create account page, write as following @Component( property = { "", "