Liferay migration to version 7.x

This blog explains the process of upgrading the Liferay core installation to version 7.0 in simple steps.

Note : If you are doing migration from 6.1 and earlier, go through the following link Upgrade to Liferay 7 and proceed with the following steps.

Step 1

Install jdk 8 and mysql 5.7 in your system. Please refer this compatibility matrix for version details Compatibility Matrix PDF.

Step 2 

Take backup of your existing Liferay installation and Database that you are about to migrate.

Step 3

Install Liferay 7 in your system. Update the '' by pointing out the existing database (i.e earlier version).
Dont start it.

If you start it, you will get error message as follows:
You must first upgrade to Liferay Portal 7000

Step 4

Copy and paste existing [Liferay Home]/data/document_library folder in to new installation.
For more details about Document Management , follow this document-repository-configuration

Step 5

Create a file called in your [Liferay Home]/osgi/configs folder and add the following content:

This will disable indexing to prevent upgrade process performance issues that arise when the indexer attempts to reindex content.

Step 6

The script (db_upgrade.bat on Windows) invokes the upgrade tool.
It resides in the [Liferay Home]/tools/portal-tools-db-upgrade-client folder.

Once you invoke this file, It asks the server and database details. After entering the details, it will be saved as text files such as,,

Or you can manually configure these properties files.

Once you given these properties , upgrade process for database and Liferay core installation will start.

And you will get the success message as follows:

Completed Liferay core upgrade and verify processes in xxx seconds
Checking to see if all upgrades have completed... done.


The above steps can help you to upgrade the core modules of Liferay installation to version 7.

For upgrading custom installation modules and more details, refer this Upgrade process.


  1. Bon tutoriel et c'est un article essentiel. Merci pour moi. Ces étapes sont faciles. Nous sommes Chef de projet Liferay Maroc et proposons également les services Liferay. Contactez-nous pour plus de détails.


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